Saturday, November 15, 2008

Okay so I'm bad at this

I can never keep track of blogs ever. Anyways, here's a link that tells the story that I'm basing my animation on:

That place is great, I think it has ALL of H.P. Lovecraft's stories available online. The only issue is that the design is terrible since it hasn't been updated in ages. Literally. I remember reading stuff from that website when I was a freshman or sophomore in high school and it still looks the same.

Ideally, I want to make a very visually appealing flash animation of "The Outsider" without using any dialogue, although sound effects are welcome. From what I've already seen from youtube videos of it, I DO NOT want to create mine to look like theirs.
^That video is just a guy narrating the entire story which gets drawn out for waaay too long with Lovecraft's infamously complex dialogue and still images. It tells the story but doesn't bring anything interesting.
^These guys tried to make their own rendition of The Outsider using 'real' actors and a camera. Nice idea but again, goes on for 8 minutes with long narration.

One of my biggest qualms about making anything is narration. Using a greatly provocative concept from the movie "Adaptation" (2002), the main character Charlie Kaufman is a screenwriter who needs help converting a non-fiction book into a movie, so he actually attends a seminar on screenwriting and the speaker tells him
Robert McKee: ...and God help you if you use voice-over in your work, my friends. God help you. That's flaccid, sloppy writing. Any idiot can write a voice-over narration to explain the thoughts of a character.
Keeping THAT in mind, I don't want to use any narration if possible.


anand vedawala said...

damn, it's going to be tough without narration, but pretty interesting considering probably everyone else has done narration with this short story.

good luck. and, have you started animating yet?

Anonymous said...

hey no narration is good I think it will add more of your unique style then if you actually narrate it. Also it will let you experiment with visual storytelling.

GOod LUCK cant wait to see all of our work

Lenore Vasquez said...

Yeah, I can't wait to see my work, as well. I'm thinking of trying to make it not look so cartoony by using Swift 3D to create the still images like the towers, buildings, etc. It's a nifty little program I've used a couple of times and will occasionally make something similar to animated GIFs except when you export them, every small change will export like one frame just like frame by frame animation. It renders really well so it can make your objects look more life-like.