Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanks Ketan

After failing to figure out how to get the stupid scanner to work (which it does not), I asked Ketan to scan some of my sketches up for me.

At first I asked Andy to help me create a sick and disgusting figure for the main character and he made this nice sketch
After this abomination (in a GOOD way!) I tried to make my own character which I now hate. It reminded me initially of the "Peek-A-Boo!" monster from Guillermo Del Toro's "Pan's Labyrinth". Other people said that it looks a lot like when Gollum from LOTR was changing from Smigel into Gollum:

So the other night I made another attempt at the creature and I think this one is a definite improvement but not finished yet. If anything from the previous one to this one, this one looks more like Gollum but with jowls. Kind of like what Richard Nixon looks like naked after massive liposuction:


Anonymous said...

cool I like the new one, some how he gained some humanity, but at the same time he is s hideous monster that we would never interact with

Lenore Vasquez said...

I know I wouldn't.